1. Morning is best for outdoor workouts. Air is clean. Trees have just begun releasing fresh oxygen. After a sound night's sleep, your limbs are relaxed.

1. Morning is best for outdoor workouts. Air is clean. Trees have just begun releasing fresh oxygen. After a sound night's sleep, your limbs are relaxed.

2. It promotes self-discipline, making you stick to a daily routine,  a plus for health and wellness

1. Morning is best for outdoor workouts. Air is clean. Trees have just begun releasing fresh oxygen. After a sound night's sleep, your limbs are relaxed.

3. Morning exercise rules out the conflict of exercise time with other scheduled tasks.

4. Morning exercise gives a good start to the body and mind, setting the mood for the day by releasing plenty of ‘endorphins’.

5. Exercise helps secrete 'cortisol' hormones that act as neurotransmitters for better focus and understanding needed in studies and work.

6. A good start makes you more conscious about making healthier food choices throughout the day.

7. Studies show morning exercise increases activity levels for the entire day. This could be due to better breathing in oxygen-rich morning air.

8. Morning exercise time is better as the metabolism, getting a jump start, gets to burn more calories during the day.

9. It improves the time needed to fall asleep and enables you to have a deeper rest.

10. Improved focus and activity ensure better appetite and weight-loss control.

11. It makes the heart stronger and controls the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Reminding you about your appointment with the morning sun ... GOOD LUCK !