Appropriate sentence structureVineet (subject) writes (verb) an essay (object) everyday.
Mostly use active voiceTheir team played good ice hockey.
Use correct tense of verb in a sentenceIncorrect: I wrote this letter just now. Correct: I have written this letter just now.
He walked back to the shore. He trudged back to the shore. He limped back to the shore.
Choose words/ phrases that precisely mean what you desire
Singular and plural errors Incorrect: She washed her hairs yesterday.Correct: She washed her hair yesterday.
Are pronouns in agreement with their antecedent?Incorrect: Sona had finished her homework. He had also completed daily chores in the morning.He - wrongShe: correct
Avoid ‘ing’ with stative verbIncorrect: I am doubting her efficiency.Correct: I doubt her efficiency.
Inappropriate: A loud guffaw was heard in the darkness.Appropriate: A piercing, shrill laughter was heard tearing through the darkness.
Mood of writing is important
Errors of gender antecedentIncorrect: Tanuja called his mother immediately.Correct: Tanuja called her mother immediately.