12+ Inspirational Writing Quotes That Will Give You a Jolt

Last updated on June 2nd, 2023 at 01:34 pm

Some inspirational writing quotes are so powerful that they mesmerize a new writer and stir him to action at once.

So, a bored writer sometimes needs to borrow motivation from the greats. Great writers have their own way of viewing the art of writing.

Here, I’ve cherry-picked some quotes of great authors. And I’m sure these quotes have the power to boost the morale of a writer unable to find motivation.

Read these enthralling quotes and enjoy them to your heart’s content.

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Inspirational Writing Quotes

Let’s read, observe and enjoy some brilliant quotes on writing from those whose knowledge and vision can never be questioned:

Stephen King

This one I like because it tells you about the impact your writing can make:

“Description begins in the writer’s mind but should finish in reader’s.”

– Stephen King

Very often the start is the moss difficult point for a writer. So, you must find various ways to jolt yourself to action. And this Stephen King quote on writing does the same.

Ernest Hemingway

Hemingway quotes on writing have also always inspired me a lot because of the intensity with which they hit you. His simple words have the impact to tear through dullness and inactivity.

The following quote on writing demands from you, total surrender to your job:

“There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.”

– Ernest Hemingway

The second one emphasizes the importance of matter over description. The writing must be accompanied with solid matter and the question of ornamenting it comes later or does not at all.

Haruki Murukami

This Murukami quote states very simply the level to which you must immerse yourself into your writing:

J K Rowling

A writer must be natural and spontaneous. This is what the following thought carries:

“I’ve no idea where ideas come from and I hope I never find out; it would spoil the excitement for me if it turned out I just have a funny little wrinkle on the surface of my brain which makes me think about invisible train platforms.”

– J K Rowling


Shirley Jackson

Shirley Jackson has a weird way of telling the truth and this she does here very honestly:

“I think that the popular notion of the writer as a person hiding away in a garret, unable to face reality is probably perfectly true.”

– Shirley Jackson

Franz Kafka

If you want to become a good writer, be ready for sacrifices or leave it now, right now. Kafka’s quote tells you this, though somewhat indirectly.

“Writing is a deeper sleep than death. Just as one wouldn’t pull a corpse from its grave, I can’t be dragged from my desk at night.”

– Franz Kafka

Milan Kundera

Imagination, honesty and courage are the hallmarks of a good writer and that’s what Milan Kundera means by this inspirational writing quote:

“The novelist’s ambition is not to do something better than his predecessors but to see what they did not see, say what they did not say.”

– Milan Kundera

Kurt Vonnegut

Kurt Vonnegut shares a secret of writing here, though slightly humorously:

“When I used to teach creative writing, I would tell the students to make their characters want something right away—even if it’s only a glass of water. Characters paralyzed by the meaninglessness of modern life still have to drink water from time to time.”

– Kurt Vonnegut

Toni Morrison

A bit tough to understand, Toni Morrison indicates about your mind’s fathomless depths and the urge to fetch facts from there, for writing:

“It is what you don’t write that frequently gives what you do write its power.”

– Toni Morrison

Vladimir Vladimirovich Nobokov

What kind of acumen does a writer need? Nobokov answers:

“A writer should have the precision of a poet and the imagination of a scientist.”  

– Vladimir Vladimirovich Nobokov

George Orwell

And look, according to George Orwell, writers serve this purpose too:

“If people cannot write well, they cannot think well, and if they cannot think well, others will do their thinking for them.”

– George Orwell

Ursula K. Le Guin

And in the end, no one should take writers lightly. Look what Ursula K. Le Guin has to say on this:

“Writing a sentence that expresses what you want to say isn’t any easier than plumbing or fiddling. It takes craft.”

– Ursula K. Le Guin

Did You Get the Jolt?

My only desire behind having you read these inspirational quotes on writing was to make you feel

  • You must write.
  • You must try to create original content
  • Writing is so interesting nothing else can match it
  • It demands single minded devotion
  • You give it courage and honesty, it will reward you.
  • At times, you should write your own quotes.