In spite of writing a good essay if you fail to optimally write a conclusion paragraph, your effort remains desultory. Keep honing your conclusion writing ability regularly.

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#1 Revisit the thesis. Subtly remind the main idea in different words. Avoid exact repetition.

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#2 Be on alert not to bring in anything new at this point. Fresh vocabulary is welcome but not new facts.

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#3 Briefly state why the topic is important and what its implications are beyond the essay.

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#4 Leave the last impression by connecting to the introduction and depicting how the initial idea has been justified.

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#5 End with a bang. Give a call-to-action, like, “Let’s pledge at this point never to …”

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A Bonus Tip: Having checked your concluding lines, read the paragraph loudly to yourself. This would help find hidden faults and weaknesses.

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