World Cerebral Palsy Day 2023 Quiz – Terminology of the Disorder | Useful for New and Seasoned Writers

Last updated on October 16th, 2023 at 09:39 pm

World Cerebral Palsy Day 2023 will be observed all over the globe on the 6th of October. This is a perfect opportunity to express our feelings towards the patients who are fighting the disease all over the world. As a positive gesture, this website wishes them all the best. Here, we offer a 25-question World Cerebral Palsy Day 2023 quiz about words and terms associated with cerebral palsy.

Hope you’ll like the quiz and eagerly wait for more such occasion-based word quizzes in future also.

Featured image of this post was prepared on CANVA

Why This Quiz?

Budding writers to seasoned writers are often in search of the words that can elevate the level of their writing. Have you read any of Robin Cook’s medical thrillers? Perhaps, even a doctor doesn’t know as many medical terms as the writer frequently uses!

When you are writing a story or a novel on any subject like medicine, war, law, etc., then you have to use esoteric words related to that field. This is because every genre has its own parlance. For such specialized projects, you have to study the terms related to that field deeply.

This is an attempt to acquaint you with the terms which are frequently used in connection with Cerebral Palsy [CP ]. In future, we will be discussing more specialized areas.

Here’s the quiz about the terms of Cerebral Palsy disease.

World Cerebral Palsy Day 2023 Quiz – Vocab Test

World Cerebral Policy Day 2023 will be observed on the 6th of October. Here is a quiz in connection with the same. There are altogether 25 questions based on the words and terms used in connection with cerebral palsy.

For every correct answer you get one mark but there is no negative marking for wrong answers. 

As soon as you submit the answer to the last question, your score and grading will be displayed. 

So, here we go!

How Were the Quiz Words Chosen ?

It was not easy to create the World Cerebral Palsy Day 2023 Quiz. It took a lot of brainstorming and research.

For choosing the quiz words I had to read many articles on cerebral palsy. For example, I was reading about ‘Cerebral palsy feet’ when I chose the words ‘gait’ and ‘posterior walker’.

I went through topics like “Gifts for adults with cerebral palsy” and “Cerebral palsy camp” to find words like ‘brain teaser’, ‘mittens’ and ‘neurological’ etc. for my quiz.

I had a cursory glance over whether ‘ Can someone with cerebral palsy drive?’, ‘Cerebral palsy stretching’ and many other topics to create some of my questions.

Who Will Benefit From This Quiz

Budding writers often tend to manage with common words and are not bothered about raising the standard of their word usage. However, I believe should put a lot of effort in the correct selection and usage of words.

On the other side, seasoned writers have a knack for using precise words and terms of a specialized parlance. However, they too feel uncomfortable when they switch from one genre to another.

So, a writer who has to create a character or scene connected to cerebral palsy in anyway, is sure to benefit from this quiz.

Last but not the least is the fact that people who need to talk a lot about CP, for example, the concerned doctors, patients, attendants etc., will also benefit from this post.

Difficulty Level of World Cerebral Palsy Day 2023 Quiz

The difficulty level of World Cerebral Palsy Day 2023 Quiz is medium.

I’ve refrained from selecting words or terms that are too medical in usage. Still you cannot say these words belong to general usage.

Attention has been paid not to restrict the quiz only to the meanings of words. Some questions focus on a complete understanding of how the words will be used in a sentence.

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