6 Authorization Letter Samples – Learn the Skill to Write Them Easily

Last updated on March 5th, 2024 at 03:49 pm

The aim of this post is to teach you ‘ how to write an authorization letter’ by actually preparing some authorization letter samples.

You’ll find many of your well educated friends wanting in the art of letter writing. The reason for this is, either they do not know the correct format or they fail to choose the right words.

So, what’s the way to improve?

The matter is simple. Just as one has to learn the tricks of a trade to become proficient in it, one has to learn to choose the right format and fitting words to be able to write a good authorization letter.

Writing an authorization letter is not a difficult task at all, but it does take practice to write it correctly. There is no need for fancy language to write it, but it must look professional and free of wordiness.

In this free guide, you will be told everything about an authorization letter. From its template to choosing the right words, everything will be presented with the help of examples. So, jump in and go through from beginning to the end.

What is an authorization letter?

An authorization letter is a letter from a person, company or an institution that empowers another person to act on behalf of them.

For example, ‘Mr. X’ may write an authorization letter meant to entitle ‘Miss Y’, his sister, to collect his B. Tech Pass Certificate from the office of Registrar of ‘Z University’, Kochchi, Kerala.

How Does the Authorisation Letter Work?

In the aforesaid example,

The Office of the Registrar, Z university, issues an intimation letter to Mr. X that his pass certificate is ready and he may collect it from the O/o- The Registrar, Z University, Kochchi, Kerala on any working day within 10:00 HRS to 17:30 HRS.

Mr. X writes an authorization letter and hands it over to his sister, Miss Y. The letter will be carried by his sister, Miss Y to the Registrar Office.

Thereafter, Miss Y will show the authorization letter to the official in the Registrar office who deals with issuance of certificates.

The official may need to check some documents in addition to the authorization letter. For example, a proof of relation between the bearer of the letter and the person who has written the letter, may be demanded. He may also ask Miss Y to sign formally in a record maintenance register for the purpose of matching the signature.

After the formalities, the official hands over the Pass Certificate of Mr. X to Miss Y.

What is the purpose of an authorization letter?

The basic purpose of an authorization or authority letter is to get the documents or whatever intended, collected or submitted timely and safely – ideal situation for both the issuer and the actual recipient of the documents or any other item.

Moreover, both the issuer and the final recipient get relieved after the task is completed in time. So, authorization serves to quicken the tasks as well as takes of extra pressure in today’s busy lifestyle.

Examples of situations when an authorization letter is needed

First we shall cite some situations and then view one authorization letter sample per situation.

  1. Authorization letter to post office for submission of address change request: Your address has changed recently. You want to inform the post office to make changes in their records. However, as you are severely sick you cannot go the post office. You will need to write an authorization letter to the post office. (authorization letter sample 1 below)
  2. Letter of Authorization to Represent a Company: Your company is going to participate in a meeting at a place different from your company’s HQ. An authorization letter is to be issued by the company designating you as the authorized signatory for decisions in sales and marketing matters. (authorization letter sample 2 below)
  3. Authorization Letter for Passport Collection: You are currently residing offshore. You have been informed by the O/o-the Consulate General that your new passport can be collected, but you are unable to make it to the Consul Office at the scheduled time. (authorization letter sample 3 below)
  4. Bank Authorisation Letter: You’ll shortly move to a foreign country and will not be able to do bank transactions remotely. An authorization letter is required for operation of your bank account. (authorization letter sample 4 below)
  5. Authority Letter for GST Registration: You have to write an authorization/ consent letter issuing an NOC for a start-up’s business operations and GST registration on the address of your premises.(authorization letter sample 5 below)
  6. Authorization letter to Collect Pass Certificate: Your earlier college has intimated that your original pass certificate is ready but you are unable to visit the college soon. (authorization letter sample 6 below)

6 Authorization Letter Samples


6 authorization letter samples are displayed below. The names, addresses etc. used in these letters are imaginary and do not pertain to anything or anybody real. However, some real names of places have been used solely for educational purpose.

Moreover, some spaces have been left unfilled to serve as formats. One who needs to write an authorization letter may fill these spaces according to requirement. 

Letter 1 [ Authorization letter to post office ]

The Postmaster,
Head Post Office, …City …,
State: ……….  PIN: …………..

Subject: Authorization for submission of address change request on my behalf – Reg.

I, ……., beg to state that my postal address has changed recently. Some important documents including an admit card for a competitive examination and some materials of a correspondence course are due to arrive shortly.
However, Sir, I am severely ill at present and am unable to come to the post office for submission of the address change request.
So, I hereby authorize Mr.   ……, my uncle, to act on my behalf and submit the said request application to you. I also request you to kindly get my new address verified and make necessary changes in the post office records.
Old Address: …………………………………………
New Address: ……………………………………….
1. A copy of Identity Card of Mr. ……………..
2. A copy of Identity Card of the u/s
3. A copy of this original letter for acknowledgement
(Authorized person‘s name & specimen signature)

Authorized by
(Name & signature)

[ Please sign the attached copy of this letter and return as an acknowledgement]

Letter 2 [ Authorization Letter to Represent A Company ]

The Director of Operations
X  Company

The Executive Director,
Y Company

Ma’m/ Sir,
Mr.  ….  having Aadhaar Number: …, is designated as the authorized representative to act on behalf of the XCompany,  …. , for the period 12th Oct 2023 to 17th Oct 2023 during the sales meeting going to be held at your premises in the said period.

Mr.  …..  is authorized to take administrative decisions, make announcements and do financial dealings on behalf of the X Company during the said period.

We understand that all the decisions and acts of the authorized representative shall be treated as tantamount to decisions and acts by X company.
                                                                                               Specimen Signature of the
                                                                                               authorized representative
Faithfully yours,
(Signature & Seal)
Director of Operations, X Company

Enclo.: A copy of the photo identity of the authorized representative

Letter 3 [ Passport Pickup Authorisation Letter ]


The Consulate General/ The Consular Officer
City ……………….., Country ………………………
Address: …………………………………………………

Sub: Collection of new passport on behalf of the u/s – Regarding


I, …………………. (Name of the person whose passport is to be collected, the final recipient), hereby authorize ………………………. (name of the person who will collect in person, the intermediate recipient), my …………………… (relation), to collect my original passport as I would not be able to turn up for the same on the given date and time. I had to rush for an urgent engagement to a different city on the day I received your intimation.

The inconvenience caused is highly regretted.

——————————-                   ————————                  ———————-
Authorised person’s name                           signature                                  mobile number

Authorized by:
……………..                                        ……………..                                ……………….
Name                                                      signature                                  mobile number

Enclo.: i) A copy of my photo identity card
ii) A copy of photo identity card of the authorized person

Letter 4 [ Bank Authorization Letter ]

The Bank Manager
Union Bank
Branch: ………  City: ……………
Subject: Letter of Authorization to operate my bank account on my behalf – Regarding
I am Sudha. This is to intimate you that I shall shortly be visiting Malaysia in connection with a project work assigned to me by the company I work for. During my period of stay in Malaysia which is 24th September, 2023 to 2nd November, 2023, I shall not be in a position to operate my savings bank account in your esteemed branch.

Hence, I authorize my father, Mr. …….., to operate my bank account in my absence during the said period. I request you to kindly allow the same.

My father will carry with him the following documents along with this application:
– His Identity Card
– Pass Book of my savings bank account
– Cheque Book page (signed by me)

Sir, I have always appreciated your bank’s services and support and anticipate the same this time. If you need to interact with me for any query please contact me at my mobile number or e-mail mentioned below.
……………………                                    ….…………………………………………….
(Sudha S)                                                  Name & Signature of Mr …….. (My father)

Mobile Number:
Savings Bank Account Number:

Letter 5 [ Authority Letter for GST Registration ]


This is to certify that the undersigned authorize M/S …..(Name of the start-up), owned by …………………..(Names of partners who own the start-up), to operate business dealings from the above mentioned address. M/S ……………..  is also allowed to utilize the above premises as address for correspondence and to obtain GST registration.

Signature of Premises Owner
Name of Premises Owner
E-mail: ………………………………..
Mobile Phone: ………………………..

Letter 6 [Authorization Letter to Collect Pass Certificate ]

562-C, Kendriya Nagar, 20th Lane
Gwalior, MP-474001
The Registrar
…… University,
Gwalior, (M.P).Ma’m/ Sir,I am J.D.Pant, an ex-student of …. university. Your esteemed office has intimated me through an e-mail that my B.Tech pass certificate is ready and the same can be collected during office hours on working days.Sir, I beg to intimate you that I am currently working on a project at Palakkad, Kerala. So, it is difficult for me to make it to the university during next few months. However, Sir, my uncle, Mr. …. resides at Gwalior and can comfortably visit your office for collection of the said certificate. I, therefore, request you to kindly allow my uncle, Mr. …. for the same. My authorization is as below:
I, hereby, authorize Mr. … , my uncle to collect my BTech (Mechanical) Pass Certificate from the O/o-Registrar, …. University during the office hours of any weekday in the month of September 2023. He will carry a copy of this letter along with his photo identity card (Aadhaar or PAN card) as proof.Yours faithfully,…………………………
Signature –

A Bonus Authority Letter !

Here’s another bonus authority letter

Situation: Your company has hired a counsel to represent the company in a legal case. Write an authority letter as the legal head of your company for the assigned counsel empowering him to represent the company in the said case.

Authority Letter Format for Court

[Company Letterhead]

[Company Name]
[Company Address]
[City, State, PIN Code]

[Counsel’s Full Name]
[Counsel’s Address]

Subject: Authorization for Legal Representation

Dear [Counsel’s Name],

I, [Your Name in full], [Your Designation] at [Company Name], hereby authorize and appoint you as the legal representative of [Company Name] in the matter of [Case Title/Number]. This authorization extends to the ensuing court hearings, legal proceedings, discussions, negotiations, and any other related activities pertaining to the aforementioned legal case.

This authority delegation includes the power to:

Represent [Company Name] in court hearings and proceedings in connection with [case no./title].

Submit, file, and receive legal documents on behalf of [Company Name].

Decide about and enter into agreements or settlements related to the case, in consultation with and approval by [Company Name], whenever possible.

Take other important and lawful actions to protect the interests of [Company Name] in connection with the aforementioned matter.

This authority will be in effect from the date of this letter till the resolution of the case, unless revoked in writing earlier by [Company Name].

We have full faith in your legal acumen and we sincerely believe that you will diligently represent the interests of [Company Name] in this matter.

Please keep us informed of all developments, and seek our input on significant decisions whenever appropriate.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


[Full Name]
[Contact Information]
[Company Seal]

FAQs on Writing Authorization Letters

What is the letter of authorization document?

An authorization letter, letter of authorization or authority letter is a document addressed to an authority wherein the writer endorses another person or agency to act on his behalf and complete a certain piece of work within a specified period.
For example, you may write a letter to the postmaster of your local post office, stating that you are authorizing your father to collect a parcel from the post office about which you have been intimated through e-mail.

What is a simple example of authorization?

In a technical set-up, there are various levels of passwords which authorize different levels of executives for different set of activities. This is a, example of authorization.
For example, in a mobile operating company, a lower-level executive may be authorized for activation of cell phones in his local jurisdiction only whereas a higher level executive may have the possession of a password to monitor the performance of all the towers in a state.

How do I write a simple letter of authorization?

To write a letter of authorization correctly, you need to
a)    address the right person,
b)    indicate the details of the authorized person with proof and
c)     specify the date and time when she/ he is supposed to act.
An example of the authorization letter to collect your pass certificate from your earlier university has been cited in the post.
The main part of an authorization letter is as below:
Mr./ Miss ……… (authorized person) is hereby authorized by the u/s to …….. (the act, e.g. collect Mr.   ‘s BTech pass certificate) during the office hours on ……… (Date) at ………. (Address of the office which has intimated about the documents). The specimen signature of Mr. … (authorized person) is attested below.
(Specimen signature)

How do you write an authorization letter to collect transfer certificate on behalf of me?

The main part of the letter will be like this:
I, hereby, authorize my uncle, Shri Gaurav Malhotra, to collect my Transfer Certificate on my behalf since I have not been able to manage a casual leave due to an urgent engagement in the office. The authorized person’s details are provided below and his documents have been attached for verification.
For a complete letter and the tips to write authorization letters, read this post.
To learn about authorization in detail, check out this Wikipedia link.

What is the reason for letter of authorization?

This question, in fact, pertains to discussing the purpose of writing an authorization letter. The reasons of writing an authority letter are as below:
1. Even though the person is unable to make it to the desired address, the task is completed.
2. The material to be collected does not fall in wrong hands.
3. The office in custody of the material is relieved as a part of the load sheds.

Does authorization letter need to be signed?

Yes, the authorization letter must bear the signatures of the authorizer and the person who is authorized. In certain legal or otherwise documents, the authority letter must be signed by a notary.

What is the format of an authorization letter?

Mr./Miss/Mrs. ……………. Authorizes Mr./Miss/Mrs. ……………. for ……………………….. (The task) at ………………. (The address) on …………………. (Date & Time).
Specimen signature of the authorized person ………………………………………………….
Authorized by: ………………………. (Name & signature)

What should be included in an authorization letter?

The key elements of an authorization letter are included in the above authorization letter samples. They are enlisted below:
a)    Self-name & address
b)    Designation and address of the authority to be contacted
c)     Or the address of the office where the authorized task will be performed.
d)    Subject – stating the purpose of the letter briefly
e)    The reason why the authorizer cannot visit the office which has intimated
f)      The statement of authorization
g)    Attested specimen signature of the authorized person
h)    Enclosures – Photo IDs of the authorizing and the authorized persons