10 Best Content Writing Topics That Will Intrigue You For Sure

Last updated on October 21st, 2023 at 02:10 am

But for selection of the best writing topics, brilliant writing accompanied with impeccable editing may grossly fail.

Whether you like it or not, we exist at a point of time when writing and reading similar blog posts is getting unbearable. Hence this post about best content writing topics. Perhaps you will create good content if you start with an interesting, original topic.

My honest confession: I feel I have not written an interesting blog post over a long period of time ( I can almost hear you saying, ” So what! it’s your headache!”) 🙂

“ Has been long since I read an original, interesting blog post. Appears I’m reading the same thing for a thousandth time.”  – A fellow blogger, who I met recently.

I think this blogger had guts to tell the truth. He is not the kind who presses the ‘like’ button first and then reads or flies away.

Put simply, the zeal for creating engrossing content is fast becoming a rare commodity in the writing community. Why don’t we understand that unless the reader is interested, all SEO, page rank and traffic generation attempts will lead to nowhere?

Precisely stated, the problem is: Except a select few, neither are the bloggers finding new, original and creative topics to write about nor they are thinking differently on already existing topics.

Matters That Attract Provide Best Content Writing Topics

Wandering through the hills and vales of the blogosphere, I found that the high page-ranked articles contained the revealing answers. There are certain intriguing kinds of topics that

  • Grab maximum initial attention, and
  • Make readers spend sufficient time over these posts

and hence lead to the creation of hugely engaging content. Let’s have a look at such subjects:

  1. Takeaways for the reader
  2. Inspirational case studies
  3. Shocks and surprises
  4. A great promise
  5. Comparison of peers
  6. Budget disposal of costly matters, money making guides
  7. Words of an influencer
  8. Feel good, make the world better
  9. Contradiction to established beliefs
  10. Revealing facts through researched stats

1. Takeaways for the Reader

Perhaps, the last time you clicked a headline was when it suggested an app that could find for you all the movies you wanted to watch online. Selfish world… Hwaah!

Look how and why does the master blogger Harsh Agrawal, give his readers free tools without much ado?

100+ Blogging Tools For 2020, Categorized (+ Expert Tips)

And here is a compelling article by Diana Star. Save hundreds of bucks by knowing the best places on the web to find coupons :

10 Best Places To Get Coupons

2. Inspirational Case Studies

Why on earth people set idols? Because it’s easier and clearer to follow a streak of light than pushing your way through darkness. The stories of achievers are the enlightening forces. 

Are you showing your readers the way?

Carol Tice is damn good at this. Here she tells her own story of how she made $45,000 by self publishing 10 ebooks:

How I Earned $45K Self-Publishing 10 E-Books: Top Takeaways

And the next is a masterpiece by a maestro of the blogging game – Jon Morrow of smartblogger –  writing a guest post for problogger.

How to Quit Your Job, Move to Paradise and Get Paid to Change the World

Read how a severe accident that stopped his entire body movement except the neck, could not stall him from becoming the associate editor of copyblogger (one of the top 10 highest earning blogs in the world). 

3. Shocks and Surprises

I bookmarked this article as soon as I looked at it and went through it. The story was so spellbinding I could not but read to the end.

True words: fact is more peculiar than fiction.

How a Man Killed a Mountain Lion with His Bare Hands

4. A Great Promise

When you see a title like this,

5 books that will change your life

you know you are at the starting point of a beautiful journey. It’s a promise through which your dreams start coming to life. And the content becomes unmissable. 

Check out this one:

Get Paid to Travel the World– How We Do It

Travel, as a niche and as one of the most enjoyable activities throughout the globe, has taken a back seat due to the Covid-19 outbreak as of March end and beginning of April, 2020. (For God’s sake, everything opening up in 2022 !)

But otherwise, you can see why this post ranks at the top where the writer makes a promise to get you paid while you travel lavishly through the scenic points on the globe.

5. Comparison of Peers

Whether you like it or not, comparing things and persons is basic human nature. And humans go on doing it endlessly.

A blog post writer can exploit this instinct to her/ his advantage. You need to draw and entertain your audience through comparing the giants. 

But mind not to get off the track for gains. Let it be a healthy and true comparison. And let it be a comparison experienced by you, like this one:

SITEGROUND VS BLUEHOST: 9 Tests to Decide”WHO’S BEST” In 2020?

When I was in a dilemma over the matter of choosing between Yoast and Rankmath plugins, this article comparing the two, helped me immensely:

Yoast vs Rank Math SEO Plugin – Which One Is Better?

6. Budget Disposal of Costly Matters, Money Making Guides

Don’t you go berserk when you hear someone is making $100,000 per annum with blogging and affiliate marketing?

Money is the biggest motivating factor because it gives you comfort, respect and ways to develop further. Hence the interest.

Here Dan Kiteski is at her best describing how to tour South east Asia on budget. 270 social shares (at the time of writing this article) are testimony to the fact that it’s a hugely successful post:

Southeast Asia on a budget: how I traveled around with $15 per day

Next article by Bob Adams, an MBA from the Harvard Business School, teaches you about home based businesses to make good money. And you jump in immediately:

42 Home-Based Businesses You Can Start Today

7. Words of an Influencer

Getting a kick on hearing a thing from a real achiever is really out of this world.  And when your readers come to know he was just like them before he achieved, they start feeling a build up of adrenaline levels.

[Techie Tuesdays] Amit Agarwal, the man who brought professional tech blogging to India

And also devour this one:

How Blogging Led to a Million Dollar Business for Jeff Goins

8. Feel Good, Make the World Better

This kind of articles can do the magic even if they do not contain an original idea. Wrap them in a new cover with some brightly coloured pictures and you grab good attention.

For instance look at this one:

10 Minutes of Yoga to Jumpstart Your Work Day

You’re just reminding your readers of starting the day with exercise, which is a habit already practised by many. But ‘the feel good’ factor therein, does the trick. And you win. 

79K social shares (and counting…) establish the fact.

9. Contradictions to Established Beliefs

Here I am not giving you a popular post but an idea to write a great blog post. Here what you do is falsify a well established fact. And that creates the magic for you.

The myth and the the myth buster are as below:

Myth: Able bodied runners are better sportsmen than disabled ones.

Myth buster: 1500m sprinters in Para Olympics, 2016 shatter the records of abled bodied atheletes created in Rio Olympics:

Paralympics 2016: Four 1500m runners finish faster than Rio Olympics gold medal winning time

In the next one, the freelance writer Carol Tice shares a myth buster about writing for content mills. In her own words, “content mills pay freelance writers ridiculously low rates these days”. This was the myth and she has shattered it by giving you 4 content mills that pay an average rate of $1 per word or $150 to $800 per article. Can you believe?

Inside 4 New Content Mills: What Freelancers Need to Know

10. Revealing Facts Through Researched Stats

See these headlines:

  • 96% of your landing page visitors will never convert
  • 11 online marketing stats that should influence your digital strategy

Neil Patel has this habit of writing top ranking posts regularly using the power of credibility he builds through data.

If you want to learn to write such a post, Neil himself has penned a post:

The beginner’s guide to writing a data-driven post

Also, Ana Hofman uses 3 graphs to teach how you can increase your traffic by 67% in the following article:

How Blogging Can Increase Your Lead Generation by 67%

This is a post in continuation

I believe this post cannot end. Simply, because a blogger can find many new ideas a day. And the ocean of ideas never dries up.

Go on discovering new ideas to make yourself interesting

Search for new things. Be the Elon Musk of blogging.

An example – Here, I share another idea. The blog writers trying to write interesting blog posts, may cocktail topics wisely to discover a different taste. 

Let’s blend the niche ‘eye care’ with another niche ‘cinema’. Get to something like, ‘Top 10 Hollywood stars with blue eyes’. Spice it up: Meet the hottest blue eyed Hollywood stars

Research and write.

This was but a different way to think of an idea that looks original.

Can you disclose your very own tip to find original ideas regularly? If so, comment below.

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