Last updated on March 21st, 2023 at 03:04 pm
The importance of PPW in content writing stems from the earning potential of a web writer. The online writers who go on submitting one writing project after another without caring for PPW, will likely regret for this soon.
It’s better to know your content writing worth in terms of PPW, try to push it up, and apply it efficiently to maximize your writing income.
This article enables your PPW to rise sharply towards a peak. For best effects, read it slowly to the end . Jot down the tips in your personal journal so you can act regularly on it.
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Importance of ‘PPW in Content Writing’
If you are reading this article, chances are you’re a content writer. Else, you want to become one. Then you must have come across the term “PPW”.
If you make your living writing, you’ll definitely be interested to know how much money you can make by writing. This being so, you must know how PPW works and what changes you should make to inflate your writing income.
Here, we’re going to cover PPW in detail. We shall first learn what PPW is and then we shall discuss a bunch of easily applicable tips that would catapult your earnings from writing.

What is PPW in Content Writing
PPW is a factor that is used to calculate the pay rate of freelance writers. PPW full form in content writing is “Pay Per Word” or “Price Per Word”.
You get it by dividing the number of words in your article by the total amount of money you get for your article.
For example, if your client pays $30 to you for a 1000-word article, the PPW is calculated as below:
PPW= $(30/ 1000) /word = $0.03 / word.
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Tips to Push Your Content Writing Rate
There can be a wide variation in PPW on the basis of the quality of the article, the experience of the content writer, the country, and the clients the writer writes for.
Usually, the clients pay PPW rates anywhere in the range $0.01 – $0.50 per word. However, by way of improving your writing skills, you may stretch the upper limit on content writing charges to $1.00/ word or even above.
The following tips will help push your PPW up:
1. Concentrate on 1 or 2 Niches
Demand for a content writer is based on his/ her depth of knowledge, skill and experience in a particular field. Clients mark writers with respect to niches.
So, try to master ins and outs of writing in any one particular niche. At the most a content writer should go for 2 niches at a time. However, there are and will be exceptions like in every other field.
2. Improve Your Content Writing Skills
Clients need SEO-tuned content that provides good readability too. So, whether you are a newbie writer or even a good conventional writer, you still need to take up web-writing courses. Such courses enhance your suitability for today’s rash audience. Then you can charge a higher PPW.
3. Keep a Ready Portfolio of the Best Writing Samples
This is very important to make a first impression on your potential clients. Clients are always moved by results. They have a knack for identifying content that can give them more conversions.
So, maintain an archive of your best written pieces. Sometimes, giving links to your best articles is also very effective because clients can watch your entire website or portfolio in one go.
4. Calibrate your Rates Regularly
When you start gaining organic traffic to your posts, it’s time you started bargaining your rates with the clients. Don’t go too harsh with your rates but don’t even keep your mouth shut. If you are weaving value with your words for a client, why won’t you take a cut from the profit?
5. Create a Presence on the Social Media
This is never to be neglected. Building a network of writers, editors, and publishers is also a task you must follow religiously.
Networking keeps you amidst work. You are never short of work orders. And never think that your writer friends always pass on the discarded work to you. The time constraint propels writers with a good heart to pass on even the high-PPW works.
6. Care About the Visual Appeal
Insert best images and videos in your content so your audience can have a good UX. Incorporate them at the most suitable spots inside your post.
Sites likes Pixabay, Pexels, Unsplash, and some other sites provide royalty-free images for use.
Moreover, if you place links to YouTube vids of others, you’re only serving them in terms of traffic. So, your post is unlikely to face trouble from them.
7. Insert New Elements in Your Content
Change is the only constant in blogging and freelance writing. Unless you incorporate state-of-the-art elements in your writing assignments, you’ll run the risk of being termed ‘outdated’. Some suggestions are:
- Audio content for those with impaired vision and those who want to cut down visual fatigue
- AI generated written content and images (Take care not to violate copyright issues)
- U/X driven elements, e.g. flowcharts, infographics, testimonials etc.
8. Use Formats and Templates to Write Productively
When you need to write essays and letters or create courses, you can pull up your writing productivity by adapting formats. It feels like filling-up a detailed form. You happen to save time due to a focused approach.
9. Specialize in Editing and Proofreading
A writer, I think, is or should be the best proofreader for her own content. She knows not just the words but also the soul of her content.
Open your content in ‘EDIT’ mode. Read it to yourself once, twice, thrice ….as many times as it needs to sound exciting, reasonable and balanced. Keep correcting and improving while reading.
Edit, inter alia, for facts, sentence variety, proper parlance, and your own style.
10. Write Content Every Single Day
Even champion players experience a bad patch while trying to make a comeback. Being out of touch renders them rusty.
Perhaps, writers face similar problems if not more severe, when they stop writing for a while. For this, create written content everyday, better your skill every moment, and focus on producing excitement through your words.
Content Writing Rates [India,US,UK]
Content writing rates in India vary within an average range of $10 to $30 per thousand words according to a study by GoodFirms.
The freelance writers earn better in the United States. The average range is $50-$150 per 1K words according to research.
Moreover, various articles on content writing rates indicate that The UK content writers earn an average hourly wage of £25 – £100 per 1000 words.
In all the above cases and also for other countries, the earning levels may stretch up or down by about 50% depending on the years of experience the writer has and the volume and the complexity of the allotted writing projects.
Time You Took Action About Your PPW
PPW is a parameter that tells you as well as others about your worth on the internet as a writer.
Trying to increase it needs working hard, making clients realize your web presence, and writing with a sense of uniqueness.
Calculate Your Own PPW
PPW Calculator
PPW (in USD):
PPW (in INR):
PPW (in GBP):
Follow the tips suggested above and you will soon find yourself on a higher rung of PPW in content writing. To achieve it fast:
- Write content regularly
- Play with the variety of words and sentences.
- Read a lot in your niche and keep track of the latest developments therein.
- Apply lots of modern tools that help you in writing. Examples: Writing schedulers, grammar and punctuation checkers, AI driven prompt providers etc.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is 50 PPW?
PPW in content writing generally means ‘Pay Per Word’ or ‘Price Per Word’. However, in India, 50 PPW means ’50 Paise Per Word’. This is a common rate of payment for content writers in India. Going by this, the writers of social media posts, copies, blog posts etc., get 50 Paise for each word of their content. It could also mean INR 500 for a 1000 word article.
PPW can be calculated by this formula:
PPW= (Sum paid for the content in Paise)/ (Number of words in the content)
What is the average PPW for content writing?
Content writing rates can vary widely from one corner of the world to another. They can also vary with respect to the market value of the content writer and the amount of research needed to write the content. However, the global average rate comes to $0.1 – $0.5 per word with far less and far more fluctuations. This means $100-$500 for a 1K-word content.
How much should I charge for a 1000-word article in India?
Generally PPW rates in India vary from INR 0.50 to INR 2 per word. For instance, the pay for a 500-word blog post is between INR 250 and INR 1000. However, PPW varies widely depending on the content writer’s expertise, the geography the content writer works for, the difficulty level of the writing project etc.