Fire ChatGPT Prompts for Resume Writing: Get Hired Lightning Quick in 2023-24 Placement Season

Last updated on October 26th, 2023 at 09:48 pm

In today’s digital age, when competition among job seekers is fierce, ChatGPT prompts for resume writing offer you an excellent proposition to win the game.

Discover how this AI-supported tool can help you craft the perfect resume easily and stand out in the job market.

You’ve probably noticed how ChatGPT and other AI tools are emerging in every nook and corner of the digital world! They can reply to questions with precision, create and edit content superfast and what not! Even, propel driverless cars.

Pretty cool! No?

ChatGPT is like a computer mentor and a workman rolled into one. It thinks for you and works as well. And can perform better than you on both fronts. That’s exactly the reason why the question of resume writing with AI tools arises.

And what are ChatGPT prompts? They are like magic words you type in to ask ChatGPT for help. For resume writing, you might say, “Hey ChatGPT, can you help me create a resume?” and it does its best to make your resume shine. Easy. right?

So, the puzzle that we are going to solve here is, “How can we tailor ChatGPT to produce a resume that will make hiring managers begging for an interview?” Let’s dive in! 

Opening Photo by Sora Shimazaki

Role of ChatGPT Prompts for Resume Writing

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence tool that, when prompted, can answer your questions within a surprisingly fast time and high degree of accuracy.

In contrast to a search engine like Google, a term ‘ask engine‘ was coined to mean the AI tools that give cohesively knit answers along with fact and data, as instructed. And ChatGPT can be called an ask engine in that respect.

However, ChatGPT, as I already told you, can also perform generative actions like creating content.

Given the above, one can say ChatGPT is both an ask engine as well as a generative AI tool. And the importance of ChatGPT prompts for resume writing will start getting clearer soon.

Difference Between a ‘Search Engine’ and ‘Ask Engine’

Well, whereas search engines simply retrieve information from the internet, an ask engine is designed to understand and respond to your questions in a comprehensive and informative way.

Such engines collect the necessary facts and data and present the desired output in a well-knit, easy-to-understand manner.

Crucial Role of a Well-Crafted Resume

A well-composed resume can award you a surprising success in the job world. It’s your weapon to create a great first impression that speaks for you even before you face an employer.

An apt resume depicts your skills, experience, and talents very clearly, making you look different among the candidates. It’s the secret to winning interviews and ultimately, your sought-after job.

So, crafting a resume that has an edge over others’ resumes is crucial in today’s competitive job market.

Ahead in the article are the ways to input best ChatGPT prompts for resume writing.

Leveraging AI for Resume Enhancement

Harnessing AI for resume writing is a game-changer. When we key in chatGPT resume prompts for specific job titles, the tool streamlines the resume by suggesting impactful words relevant to that job, organizing content, and even formatting.

AI-created  resume adapts to various job needs and nuances thereof, making it a convenient tool for job seekers. With AI, you save time and routine effort while presenting your merits to potential employers. It’s like having a resume-writing mentor sitting with you.

Benefits of Using ChatGPT Prompts for Resume Writing

Time-Saving Benefits

ChatGPT speeds up resume writing by providing instant content suggestions. One need not brainstorm and research. So, you can concentrate better on tweaking and personalizing your resume swiftly.

Consistency and Professionalism

ChatGPT ensures consistency and professionalism by maintaining a uniform tone and style throughout the resume. It helps avoid spelling and grammatical mistakes in the content text resulting in a polished and foolproof document that impresses potential employers.

Fine-Tuned for any Industry

ChatGPT examines the significant job profile information and writes content by choosing pertinent information from your data. It moulds your CV for the industry you are applying for.

To make your resume impactful and fitting to the potential employers’ needs, it changes the wording, keywords, and layout to meet industry standards.

Resume-Focused Features

ChatGPT’s different features can be cleverly availed for writing powerful and tailor-made resumes. One can key in precise commands to get what is needed to make the resume impressive.

Though your data remains unaltered, ChatGPT uses power-words to fit the presentation aptly for the potential employer’s needs.

Say, you input a prompt like, “Describe your most significant professional achievement and its impact.” ChatGPT will provide suggestions and ideas to help you effectively showcase your achievements in a way that stands out on your resume.

ChatGPT Resume Prompts to Highlight Skills and Achievements

ChatGPT carves out important skills and feats from your data and incorporates them into your resume.

You may either choose to input one prompt containing your requirements or one by one in bits and parts.

Suppose you ask for the ways to place your skills and accomplishments. ChatGPT  provides crisp and compelling language to highlight them effectively. The way an AI presents your data, compels the reader to go through your resume carefully and possibly give a call for interview.

Enhancing Job Descriptions

ChatGPT streamlines your particulars on the resume by filtering out the useless details and rendering the important ones relevant.

When you input your skills, certifications and previous job details , ChatGPT offers suggestions to show that your roles and responsibilities are exactly in line with company’s requirement.

It helps you present  a clear picture of your past positions to the potential employer, bringing to the fore your contributions and skills to make your resume stand out.

Let’s say you input a job description like “Managed a team of sales representatives.” ChatGPT can enhance it by providing a more detailed and impactful description, such as “Effectively led and supervised a high-performing team of sales representatives, consistently exceeding monthly targets and driving revenue growth through strategic leadership.” Is the difference clear now?

Proper Way of Giving ChatGPT Prompts for Resume Writing

In short, while creating a prompt for ChatGPT or any other AI,

  1. Be specific and descriptive
  2. Be clear. Don’t use unnecessary words
  3. Break down a complex prompt into simpler ones
  4. Start small. You may start with “Write”, “Create”, or “Summarize” [ ……  your requirement ….]
  5. Next, keep incrementing and improving your prompt till your desired output is obtained

An Example of How to Give ChatGPT Prompts for Resume Writing

Look at the table below in which there are 3 columns. In the first column, procedure steps are shown. The second column contains the format and the 3rd column shows an example of how ChatGPT prompts for resume writing are created bit by bit.

Sl. No.Procedure StepFormatExample (Part of ChatGPT prompt for resume )
1.Start with a short, simple prompt
What do you need?
“Write”, “Create”, or “Summarize”
[..  the requirement ..]
Write my resume
2.Add context
Why do you need it?
Needed in connection with
[Reason for requirement]
Needed in connection with my application for a job position advertised by ITZPPX Ltd.
3.The inputs that the AI needs(i) Particulars needed by AI
[Qualification, certifications, skills, experience etc.]
(ii) More particulars needed by AI
(i)My qualification & certifications: M Tech (Computer Science), 1 year certification course in Web Development
My skills and experience: Senior web developer with GOALRO Ltd. for 2.5 years, Led a web development team, designed many ticketing solutions for the company, Currently working on the coupon and cashback policy solutions.
(ii) Job requirements in the advertisement: The would-be incumbent shall lead a team of 5-6 web developers, apply full stack development knowledge for building various kinds of payment gateways.
4.Add ExpectationsThe final result should look like
[…. The expectation ….]
The resume should be ready to use and written in a way as would grab the attention of the employer right from the word go.
5.Finishing touchAnything else, if neededIf any input is missing, the corresponding space for the same may be indicated by dotted lines.

The Outcome

Now let us give the resultant prompt to ChatGPT and see what happens.

First, here’s the complete prompt:

Write my resume needed in connection with my application for a job position advertised by ITZPPX Ltd.

(i)My qualification & certifications: M Tech (Computer Science), 1 year certification course in Web Development

My skills and experience: Senior web developer with GOALRO Ltd.for 2.5 years, Led a web development team, designed many ticketing solutions for the company, Currently working on the coupon and cashback policy solutions.

(ii) Job requirements in the advertisement: The would-be incumbent shall lead a team of 5-6 web developers, apply full stack development knowledge for building various kinds of payment gateways.

The resume should be ready to use and written in a way as would grab the attention of the employer right from the word go.

If any input is missing, the corresponding space for the same may be indicated by dotted lines.

And here’s the result!

No, I can’t show you the result due to ‘plagiarism’ and ‘AI detection’ constraints. Nonetheless, I’ll show you a screenshot clip of a part of the resume. And well, you can download a PDF copy of the result through the link below.

Other Way to Use ChatGPT Prompts for Resume Writing

The method we used just now, created the whole prompt in one go and then fed it to ChatGPT.

One can also use ChatGPT prompts for resume writing in a slightly different way.

You might input a small part of the prompt first instead of giving the whole command at a time.

Next, when you’ve received a response, weigh it and if the need be, resubmit an improved version of the command.

Go on reiterating your action in an interactive way. Stop only when you have received what you want.

One advantage of this technique is that you’re refining a step completely and then proceeding to the next one. So, when you build up upon the previous step, which is now a polished and shining one, the chance of getting a better output for the current step is increased.

For example,

You may demand, “List the subheadings that must be present in my resume.”

ChatGPT outputs the list of subheadings.

Then if you’re in doubt, you may ask again, “Did you forget ‘space for signature’ and a space for a passport-sized snap?”

ChatGPT will either tell you why it didn’t provide the same or else it may thank you and correct itself.

Now, you can move ahead with this improved version of the resume and keep conversing with ChatGPT about the steps coming ahead.

So, this technique goes on like this:

Small step -> Improve -> next small step -> Improve ————-> Goal

Train Yourself

There is a famous saying, “If you can’t beat them, join them.”

And it fits really well in the present technical world where the speed of automation is increasing every moment.

Train yourself on AI prompts as much and as fast as you can. Take a certification course if the need be.

Believe me, this is the only way to survive in the future world. Be it resume writing, legal writing, script writing or whatever, AI is going to control everything.

Consider resume writing as an opportunity to train yourself for other upcoming marvels of AI. So, experiment with its various aspects.

Compose your resume with ChatGPT, BARD and other AI tools and see where you get the best output.

Add the Human Element for Uniqueness

One definitely can’t beat the structure, style and suitability of the resume created by ChatGPT or any efficient generative AI tool.

However, won’t most of the resumes look similar to the employer if everyone started using ChatGPT prompts for resume writing? And BARD prompts for resume creation?

That’s definitely something to be worried about!

So, you must add the human element to your resume generated by ChatGPT prompts.

Some examples of how you can bring a unique look to your resume are as below:

  • Add a personalized statement or a skill that you have learnt yourself without pursuing a course.
  • Mention your favourite hobby.
  • Use numbers while describing your achievements.
  • Mention stories of how you achieved success for the previous employer through your personal effort.
  • Sign your resume in ink.

And there can be many more ways.

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